All addresses from the Base d'Adresses Locales, a complete and public database of all addresses in France.
1 country
27 905 000+ addresses
53% certified
The official list of all automated external defibrillators (AED).
1 country
136 000+ defibrillators
3% completed
Many shops, restaurants, banks, estate and insurance offices, and other selling and renting points among the more popular brands, with opening hours and website.
1 country
175+ brands
93 000+ shops
6% completed
All schools, public and private, from pre-schools to universities.
1 country
66 000+ schools
4% completed
All public post boxes with unique identifier and collection times.
1 country
93 000+ post boxes
8% completed
All cityhalls open to public with contact information and opening hours.
1 country
27 000+ cityhalls
15% completed
Libraries open to public, with contact information and opening hours for most popular ones.
1 country
16 000+ libraries
11% completed
All driving schools with all types of driving licence types.
1 country
11 000+ driving schools
1% completed
All antennas used for mobile phone networking and some public WiFi.
1 country
70 000+ antennas
2% completed
All the public fire hydrants for some departments. It's a work in progress since many departments doesn't publish the data yet.
1 country
111 000+ fire hydrants
4% completed